Autumn Spirit

Hello everyone!

So, this is the post that I was talking about. I needed some time for it. It�s autumn already. I love this season as much as I love winter. I think I�m that type of person that enjoys winter more. I�ve got much more inspiration then to make combinations for my outfit. As you may know, in my previous posts I like to combine colors and obviously this post won�t be far from that. 
This post is about GAMISS, the online store that I work with for 2nd time already. I have to tell you that it�s great, fair and shipping is good too for anything you order. Apart from that, it�s really cheap and the quality is still good.

Zdravo svima!

Evo, to je post o kojem sam vam pricala. Trebalo mi je mnogo vremena da nadem vrijeme za njeg. Jesen je vec. Volim ovo doba kao i zimu. Vi�e sam zimski tip osobe. Tada imam najvi�e inspiracije da iskombinujem nove outfite. Kako vec znate u mojim pro�lim postovima, volim kombinovati boje i logicno da nece faliti ni na ovom postu boja. Dominira kako vidite narand�asta boja, jer mi ta boja najbolje jesen opisuje. Ovaj post je o GAMISS-U. Online trgovina sa kojom vec drugi put suradujem. Moram vam reci da je odlicna, po�tena i sve dode na vrijeme �to narucite. Pored toga, jako je jeftina i kvalitetna odjeca.

Since autumn has just started, it�s still not that cold so you can wear a mini skirt. When I saw this leather skirt, I just had to order it. It�s beautiful. As you can see, I combined this shirt with it that I got for a long time now and I don�t know where I bought it. As I sad already, this post will contain colors too. In this case, it�s orange. The boots are from GAMISS as well and everyone has asked me about them. The heel has some sort of a weird shape, but that�s what makes them even more special. Apart from looking good, they�re also comfortable. I bought the jacket in Shein and it just suits the boots very well. The material is very soft and quality of it is good too. I had to add a small detail to this whole outfit and that�s the purse from GAMISS with flower print. When it comes to jewellery, I�m wearing a necklace and rings from GAMISS as well. I stayed loyal to my style and you�ll notice that my outfit is in boho style that I like a lot.

Po�to je tek jesen nastala, nije jo� toliko hladno da se ne mo�e obuci mini suknja. Kada sam u trgovini vidjela ovu ko�nu suknjicu, jednostavno morala sam je naruciti, predivna je. Uz nju, kako vidite sam kombinovala svoju ko�uljicu koju vec dugo imam i ne sjecam se gdje sam je kupila. Kako sam vec rekla, boja ne smije nedostajati. U ovom slucaju je to narand�asta boja. Cizme su takode iz GAMISS-A i svi su me pitali za njih. Peta im ima cudan oblik, ali to ih cini jos posebnijim. Pored njihove ljepote, jako su i udobne. Jakna koju sam kupila u Shein-u super pristaje uz njih. Materijal joj je jako nje�an i veoma je kvalitetan. Uz citav outfit sam morala dodati jo� jedan uocljiv detalj i to je torbica iz GAMISS-A sa cvijetnim printom. Od nakita, nosim lancic i prstenje, takode iz GAMISS-A.
Ostala sam vjerna svom stilu i primjetit cete da mi je outfit u boho stilu kojeg veoma volim.

I hope you�ll like my new outfit and I�ll be happy to read some comments about it.
Until next time!

Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti moj novi outfit. �eljela bi cuti va�e komentare ispod.
Do iduceg puta! 

Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdic

You can find the items on the photos here:
Stvari na slikama mo�ete pronaci ovdje:

Jacket (Jakna)- Shein- Sold out (Rasprodano)
Skirt (Suknja)- GAMISS
Boots (Cizme)- GAMISS

Bag (Torba)- GAMISS
Necklace (Lancic)- GAMISS
Rings (Rings)- GAMISS


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