
Showing posts with the label brushes

Gamiss surprise

Hello my lovelies. I'm really sorry for not posting for a while. The weather is really making fun of me every time when I want to go out and make a photoshoot with the items that I've got. It seems that it's going to be a beautiful sunny week, so I will try like always to find the time and finaly finish the outfit post that I told you a long time ago. Luckly, GAMISS surprised me one morning with a package that made my day better. And not only mine. In the package were 2 gifts for my brother and his wife. I work on blogger 3 years and never ordered something for someone. I felt bad about it so I ordered some gifts. Of course I ordered something for me too. If you know my blog well, you know that GAMISS is also one of my favoruite online shops. It's also the cheapest which is amazing. You really need to see the great prices. I will show you now the items I've got and under every item , I wrote a decsription. Zdravo lijepi moji. Mnogo mi je �ao �to dugo nisam ni�ta o...