
Showing posts with the label woods

Last snow

Hello everyone! Did you have a rough week like me? My everday life was to study for the exams and to eat and eat. I'm very exhausted, but I barely found some time to make this post. I had luck and got the perfect time when it was snowing outside. I wanted to wear higheels and one other similar outfit, but I didn't want to get a cold because of it, so I decided on this one. I hope you will like it. It's casual what I like.  Zdravo svima! Da li ste imali te�ku sedmicu kao ja? Moj svakodnevni �ivot je bio ucenje za ispite i samo jesti i jesti. Ba� sam umorna, ali sam na�la jedva malo vremena da napravim ovaj post. Sreca mi se nasmije�ila i uspjela sam napraviti fotke u pravo vrijeme, i to kada je padao snijeg. Htjela sam obuti �tikle i drugi slican outfit, ali nisam �eljela dobiti prehladu zbog toga, tako da sam se odlucila za ovaj outfit. Nadam se da vam se svida. Ke�ual je zbog cega mi se jo� vi�e svida. I love the colour purpel and so I wore this purple blouse from ZAFUL ...