Sammydress GIVEAWAY

GIVEAWAY time with SAMMYDRESS ! Here is another giveaway for you and this one will last shorter. Sammydress gives a 100$ coupon for 10 winners!!! Everyone can try their luck to win this. You have to do the following things: 1.Visit Sammydress 2. Choose a item you like 3. Write item's link in a comment 4. Write your E-mail adress in the comment to get more chances to win this giveaway 5. Like my facebook page '' Make your perfect style '' I will say it one more time, you can win 100$ coupon and there will be 10 winners. You all have a great chance to win it. So give it a try! Ends on Nov 30 Public time: 1-3 Dec Vrijeme je za NAGRADNU IGRU sa Sammydress -om! Evo, jo� jedna nagradna igra za vas koja ce trajati krace. Sammydress daje 100$ kupon za 10 pobjednica!!! Svako moze oku�ati svoju srecu da pobijedi ovo. Morate da uradite sljedece: 1. Posjetiti Sammydress 2. Izabrati predmet koji vam se svida 3. Dodati link predmeta u komentaru 4....