
Showing posts with the label Summer2017

Flower Power

Welcome the summer with a nice flower print which is very trendy this season. Rosegal has everything you need. Now also trendy are vintage flapper dresses on Rosegal . I ordered great summer sandals for my ''flower power'' outfit.  High heel sandals - Rosegal Flat sandals - Rosegal Earrings - Rosegal Dress,bag, watch - Local butique Photographer Emina Avdic

Run away

Did you ever wanted to just forget about the past?  I did. I mean of course you can�t just erase it from your memory, but what you can do is leaving it there where it belongs ... in the past, and definitely not focus on it again. An all time common example, girls who still have feeling for their ex boyfriends. I�ve been there, done that too, but you can�t keep thinking about it forever and blame it on yourself, one day you got to move on, and there are definitely more important and cry worthy things in life than ex boyfriends. There were things that bothered me till yesterday too, but I let them go. I decided to focus on the present and the future. I just leave the things that I have done, regret doing, thought of doing or should have done in the past. It�s like I�m locking them away. Someone would describe this as �running away from the past�, but I dont care. For me a huge burden is going away with that, and I find it important to never lose focus and motivation in life. The foll...

Happiness is beauty

Finally!!! The outfit post is here! This week was full of duties for me,but I had time to finish it now. From now on I will change how I post my outfit posts litle by little. I will try not to write to much about what I do, maybe sometimes when I have good inspiration. I want you to focus on the photos and outfit more. That's all I wanted to say for now. Don't forget to comment your opinion.  Napokon!!! Outfit post je tu! Ova sedmica je za mene bila puna obaveza, ali sada sam imala vremena da zavr�im. Od sada cu malo po malo mijenjati nacin na koji objavljujem svoje outfit postove. Poku�ati cu da manje pi�em �ta radim, mo�da ponekad kada budem imala dobru inspiraciju. �elim da se fokusirate na slike i ono �to nosim. To je sve �to sam htjela reci i ne zaboravite mi komentarisati va�a mi�ljenja. ''Happiness is beauty'' is name for this post. I had some really wonderful days till now and had so much fun with my friends. We are careless these days and always in a go...