
What's up?! Exams have ended and classes are starting again. I love my college, because of that it's not so boring. Last week's days were sunny, so I took some time and took these photos. It's already raining this week. I really don't like rain when I have to go somewhere every day, but I do love reading a book in my warm house. Is this the same for you? As you can see, the wall behind me is yellow. It's a little joke from me, because I'm blond and my hair colour is similar to the wall. For you information, I really didn't like what I did to my hair, but I've got a new hair colour, which you will see in the next post. Trust me, it's really better than this. �ta ima?! Ispiti su gotovi i pocela su predavanja. Volim svoj fakultet, zbog cega mi nije toliko dosadno. Pro�le sedmice su bili suncani dani, tako da sam uzela sebi vremena i uradila ove fotke. Vec pada ki�a ove sedmice.Stvarno ne volim ki�u kada moram da idem negdje. Volim je dok citatam kn...