Be a lady

Hello girls and maybe boys! Have you ever felt that you want to look more glamurous and sexy? Yes, sure you did! I noticed that many of my posts were casual or boho style. So, I wanted to show you my elegant and glamurous style in this post and the next one. Thanks to my dear cousin I manage to get a great location for the photos. Emina had some trouble with shooting because the building hasn't the best light. But we did it! We made some good photos. I would be really happy if you can see the photos and comment your opinion below. Zdravo cure, a mo�da i decki! Da li ste ikada htjele biti glamurozne i seksi? Da, naravno da jeste! Primjetila sam da je vecina mojih postova u le�ernom i boho stilu. Tako, da sam ovaj put htjela pokazati moj elegantan i glamurozan stil, ba� kao �to cu uraditi u sljedecem postu. Zavhaljujuci mojoj dragoj rodakinji uspjela sam naci odlicnu lokaciju za ove slike. Emina je imala male pote�koce sa slikanjem jer zgrada nije imala najbolje svijetlo. Ali uspjele...