
Showing posts with the label flowers

Find happiness in the small things

''Find happiness in the small things.'' ''Pronadi srecu u malim stvarima.'' The more people started looking at materialism, the more they forget that happiness lays in the small things in life. Because the world started to be like that, people who are happy with small things get to be controled with that and be like everyone else. Everyone is trying to get big things and be better than maybe their neighbor or friend, that they loose focus on the important things in life like family and health. That's really sad and the only thing that can change that, are we ourselfs. If one person starts to see what's important and try to make another person see that, and that person another one, we get an chain reaction which can change the world. That sounds easy, but it isn't. I always saw the things that are important, and the small things make me happy, but sometime I get lost and start to hope to get better things and things that are similar to the one...

Two of my favourite clothing pieces

Hey! I don't know if I'm boring you with all the wishlists, but please be patient till the next outfit post. The weather is really bad for me to take good photos for you. So, that you don't get bored waiting for it, I want to present you with various online shops that I never mention before. The one shop that I want to mention today is YOINS . I have some clothing pieces which I ordered 3 years ago. They are even now in my closet and I wear them from time to time. That shows how good the quality is. Do you have some favourite clothing pieces? If yes, then which ones and why? Mine are various tops and dresses. If I have a great and beautiful top on me or a dress, than my outfit is complete. The first thing people see on you is your face and a good top or dress can highlight it even more.There are so many various fashion tops online which look really amazing. I picked some for you below from YOINS. YOINS has also really gorgeous sexy dresses for women . Below are some examp...

Never give up

Mnogo vremena sam provela razmi�ljajuci o stvarima koje volim da radim i koje �elim da radim sada i u buducnosti. Bila sam izgubljena tj., sve ono �to cini mene i odvaja od drugih je bilo zarobljeno u meni kao u nekoj kutijici, ciji kljuc je izgubljen. Ne znam kako je kod vas, ali ja cesto razmi�ljam o �ivotu i svrhu mog �ivota iako se to ne bi moglo primjetiti na meni. Najce�ca recenica koju cujem od ostalih jeste ''Blago tebi.'' Za�to blago?  Za sve ljude koji su mi ikad to rekli, postavljam ovo pitanje. Dosta vas ce se mo�da pronaci, ako budete uop�te citali ovo i ako vas uop�te bude u trenutku kakvom zanimalo �ta Amra, slatkica koja se uvijek smije kao da nema brige i problema u �ivotu, razmi�lja. Da, smijem se cesto, cak i u situacijama koje nisu za smijeh. Shvatila sam skoro da je to moja neka odbrana od pokazivanja emocija ili stvar zbog koje nekako prebrodim neugodne situacije. Ne znam za vas, ali ja nemam namjeru da svoje probleme namecem drugima i da njima kva...