Mother of the bride

Hey! Today's post is a little different. Usually when I write about dresses or wishlists, I talk about things you can wear, but today I wanted to focus on our mothers. Every one of us will get married someday and that day we want the attention most on us, but why not let your mom get also the attentions she deserved in her life. Our mothers raised us and thanks to them we are now what we are and on the day when we get married, they will be happy but also sad because they will let go of their beloved daughters who were with them many years. So how to make your mother feel special on your special day? With a dress and a makeover, so that she feels like she was on a red carpet. Let her feel beautiful and special. I will recommend you Dresshopau if you want an amaizg dress for your mother. The dresses are fenomenal and gorgeous. If I was a bride, I would want one for myself, but not now, mother deserved it more, isn't she? I picked some dresses that are for me very beautiful and ...