Let your life be a cartoon

Here it is, my new outfit post. It took me a while till I got time to make it, but I did it. I'm so happy because this style is totally me. I love to have many colors and prints. It's a challenge to combine all that together and I love challenges. In my opinion, I did it well. What do you mean? I don't know if I ever wrote  that I love anime, manga and cartoons. Because of this passion of mine I couldn't resist to order these jeans. Because of them I got the inspiration for the post's name ''Let your life be a cartoon''. I catch myself sometimes daydreaming, where I add some things from cartoons and animes. The world where we live is sometimes hard and too much real, so when I watch anime or cartoons and imagine sometimes life like in them, I just get a little bit of a chance to escape this real and hard world and imagine a more happy world with magic and things that can be possible. It's not childish to dream something impossible. Dreams make us different and special from others. Dreams are love. Why love? Love, because you dream everything you love and want to love. I dream to be helpful someday to other people who have a bad life and nothing to eat. In my dreams I'm like Superwoman who saves lives. You need to dream first to make something big happen, because dreams are the start for deciding who you are and want to be, just like in the animes and cartoons. Every leading character has a dream in the beginning which he makes real in the end of the story. Of course I dream selfish things like earning money for myself and travel around the world. Who knows maybe this dream comes true, but if I could decide which dream to pick, I'm going to say to help people and that's not just to play a nice girl. I saw so many poor young people without an opportunity to have a better life, so many children sitting on the streets and begging for anything, so many people without money to go to the doctor and get the life saving operation. I ask myself sometimes why do the doctors do their job, is it just because money, or do they have just a little bit of a warm heart to save someone without wanting from them money more than they actually need? Not every doctor is like this, but most of them are in my country. It makes me sad to the extent that I get angry and start crying of that anger. I got carried and went a little bit out of the theme, so I will end it here. The only thing I want to say to you, dream, because if you can dream you can also do it! 

 Evo ga, moj novi post. Trebalo mi je vremena da ga napi�em, ali tu je. Mnogo sam sretna jer je ovaj stil totalno moj. Volim kombinovati mnogo boja i printova. Izazov je sve to kombinovati zajedno, a ja volim izazove. Mislim da sam to dobro uradila, a. �ta mislite? Ne sjecam se da sam ikada  spomenula da volim anime, manga i crtane filmove. Zbog te strasti nisam mogla odoliti da ne narucim ove farmerke. Zbog njih sam dobila inspiraciju za temu ovog posta ''Pustite da �ivot bude crtani film''. Uhvatim se ponekad tokom sanjarenja. U toku sanjarenja dobijem ideje iz crtanih filmova i anime-a. Svijet u kojem �ivimo je ponekad te�ak i previ�e realan, tako da kada gledam anime ili crtane filmove i ponekad zami�ljam svijet kao u njima, uspijem dobiti malu �ansu da pobjegnem iz ovog realnog i te�kog svijeta i da ma�tam o srecnijem svijetu sa magijom i stvarima koje su nemoguce. Nije djetinjasto sanjati stvari koje su nemoguce i to pokazuje da ste drugaciji od ostalih, jer snovi nas cine posebnim i razlicitim od ostalih. Snovi su zapravo i ljubav. Za�to ljubav? Ljubav, jer sanjate sve �to volite i �elite. Sanjam da pomognem ljudima koji ne mogu sebi priu�titi hranu. U mojim snovima sam kao Superwoman (Super �ena) koja spa�ava �ivote. Morate da sanjate prvo da bi ucinili ne�to veliko, jer snovi su pocetak odlucivanja ko ste i �ta �elite biti, kao u crtanim filmovima i anime-u. Svaki glavni karakter ima svoj san na pocetku koji ucini stvarnim na kraju price. Naravno sanjam i sebicne stvari kao na primjer, zaraditi dosta novca za sebe i putovati po svijetu. Ko zna, mo�da se ispuni ovaj san, ali ako bih morala odluciti se za jedan san, onda bih izabrala da pomognem ljudima i to ne govorim da bih glumila sada finu djevojku. Vidjela sam mnogo siroma�nih mladih ljudi bez prilike da imaju bolji �ivot, mnogo djece koja sjede na ulicama i prose za bilo �to, toliko ljudi bez novca da idu doktoru i dobiju operaciju da spase sebi �ivot. Ponekad se zapitam, za�to doktori rade svoj posao. Je li zbog novca ili imaju barem malo toplog srca da spase nekoga bez tra�enja vi�e novca nego �to je njima u stvarnosi potrebno? Nije svaki doktor ovakac, ali vecina u mojoj dr�avi jeste. Rastu�i me to toliko da se naljutim i pocnem plakati. Malo sam se izgubila u temi pa cak i oti�la van nje, tako da cu za sada zavr�iti ovdje. Jedina stvaar koju vam �elim reci jeste da sanjate, jer ako mo�ete sanjati, mo�ete i uciniti!

I got a little bit carried on the beginning, sorry. I'm going to talk a little bit about the things I'm wearing today. When I thought about it how to describe these things, I could only write positive things. So, to not bore you and write these same positive things over and over, I will just say that everything you see on the photos is the same in real. Very beautiful, cool, trendy, good quality etc. The item which catches your eyes the most are the jeans for sure. I got them from ZAFUL like the earrings which are my favorites from today on. What would I be if I wore a basic one color shirt, not me definitly. So as you see, I wore a beautiful off shoulder blouse with dot print. It's so cute as you see and very feminine alike. The blouse is from Rosegal. Sadly everything I wear is sold out now, but don't worry they will have them again. Only the shoes are bought here where I live. I was walking one day trough the city Tuzla and saw them and got them for a really cheap price. You have a discount code ZFMine on ZAFUL. (over $25 save $3,over $50 save $6, over $100 save $12 ..)

Izgubila sam se malo na pocetku, �ao mi je. Sada cu malo pricati o stvarima koje nosim danas. Kada sam razmi�ljala kako da opi�em ove stvari �to nosim, shvatila sam da su samo pozitivni opisi, pa da ne bih pisala sve isto, reci cu samo da sve �to vidite na slikama je i u�ivo tako. Prelijepo, kul, trendi, kvalitetno itd. Sigurno ono �to vam najvi�e oci mami jesu farmerice. Dobila sam ih iz Zaful-a kao i nau�nice koje su od danas moje omiljene. �ta bih bila kada bih nosila obicnu jednobojnu ko�ulju? Ne ja, sigurno. Tako da sam kao �to vidite obukla ko�ulju bez ramena sa tufnicama. Preslatka je i mnogo �enstvena. Iz Rosegal-a je. Na�alost, sve �to nosim je rasprodano sada, ali ne brinite, imati ce uskoro ponovo sve stvari. Jedino sam obucu kupila ovdje gdje �ivim. Jednog dana sam �etala kroz grad Tuzlu i vidjela ih i kupila sam ih na sni�enju. Imate kod za snji�enje ako porucujete ne�to sa ZAFUL-a,a on  je ZFMine (narud�be preko $25, cuvate $3, preko $50- $6, preko $100- $12..)

 Thank you so much for following me and reading my posts till now. I never said it, but I'm really thankful for everyone who is reading my blog and also the ones who are just looking at my photos. If you are already on my blog and reading this post, could you follow me on Google Friends Connect? I'm following back! 

Till next time. 


Hvala vam mnogo �to me pratite i citate moje postove. Nisam to nikad rekla, ali sam mnogo zahvalna svima koji citaju moj blog i takode onima koji pogeldaju samo slike. Ako ste vec na mom blogu i citate ovaj post, mo�ete li me zapratiti na Google Friends Connect? Uzvracam! 

Do iduceg puta. 


Photographer (Fotograf) - EMINA AVDIC

Blouse (Ko�ulja) - Rosegal ''Sold out''
Jeans (Farmerice) - ZAFUL ''Sold out''
Shoes (Obuca) - Just some store
Bag (Torba) - Shein ''Sold out''
Earrings (Nau�nice) - ZAFUL 
Bracelet (Narukvica) - Rosegal ''Sold out''
Ring (Prsten) - ZAFUL ''Sold out''


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