Autumn Spirit

Hello everyone! So, this is the post that I was talking about. I needed some time for it. It�s autumn already. I love this season as much as I love winter. I think I�m that type of person that enjoys winter more. I�ve got much more inspiration then to make combinations for my outfit. As you may know, in my previous posts I like to combine colors and obviously this post won�t be far from that. This post is about GAMISS , the online store that I work with for 2nd time already. I have to tell you that it�s great, fair and shipping is good too for anything you order. Apart from that, it�s really cheap and the quality is still good. Zdravo svima! Evo, to je post o kojem sam vam pricala. Trebalo mi je mnogo vremena da nadem vrijeme za njeg. Jesen je vec. Volim ovo doba kao i zimu. Vi�e sam zimski tip osobe. Tada imam najvi�e inspiracije da iskombinujem nove outfite. Kako vec znate u mojim pro�lim postovima, volim kombinovati boje i logicno da nece faliti ni na ovom postu boja. Dominira ...