
Showing posts with the label outfitpost

Yellow, the colour of hope

The color yellow has many meanings, but the meaning "hope" became one part my charakter. I am, maybe, one of the biggest hoper. When someone says ,''Don't hope, it's meaningless.'', I get angry. People who don't hope or don't want to, are mostly sad and depressed people. Hope is always making us go throught hard times. When we hope, then we do everything what's in our power to make that hope come true. It gives me strenght to accomplish the everyday hardship that occurs to a 20 years old girl like me. So, people, never lose hope even when there are no exits showing in bad situations, even when it ends bad and even when it's sometimes hard to be positive. The least one is one which I know the best. I'm literaly always positive and happy, but there are moments, where it's hard to smile even for a positive person like me. Even when I have bad feelings and feel down, hope is something that makes me walk trought these bad feelings an...

Happiness is beauty

Finally!!! The outfit post is here! This week was full of duties for me,but I had time to finish it now. From now on I will change how I post my outfit posts litle by little. I will try not to write to much about what I do, maybe sometimes when I have good inspiration. I want you to focus on the photos and outfit more. That's all I wanted to say for now. Don't forget to comment your opinion.  Napokon!!! Outfit post je tu! Ova sedmica je za mene bila puna obaveza, ali sada sam imala vremena da zavr�im. Od sada cu malo po malo mijenjati nacin na koji objavljujem svoje outfit postove. Poku�ati cu da manje pi�em �ta radim, mo�da ponekad kada budem imala dobru inspiraciju. �elim da se fokusirate na slike i ono �to nosim. To je sve �to sam htjela reci i ne zaboravite mi komentarisati va�a mi�ljenja. ''Happiness is beauty'' is name for this post. I had some really wonderful days till now and had so much fun with my friends. We are careless these days and always in a go...