
Showing posts with the label brown

Happiness is beauty

Finally!!! The outfit post is here! This week was full of duties for me,but I had time to finish it now. From now on I will change how I post my outfit posts litle by little. I will try not to write to much about what I do, maybe sometimes when I have good inspiration. I want you to focus on the photos and outfit more. That's all I wanted to say for now. Don't forget to comment your opinion.  Napokon!!! Outfit post je tu! Ova sedmica je za mene bila puna obaveza, ali sada sam imala vremena da zavr�im. Od sada cu malo po malo mijenjati nacin na koji objavljujem svoje outfit postove. Poku�ati cu da manje pi�em �ta radim, mo�da ponekad kada budem imala dobru inspiraciju. �elim da se fokusirate na slike i ono �to nosim. To je sve �to sam htjela reci i ne zaboravite mi komentarisati va�a mi�ljenja. ''Happiness is beauty'' is name for this post. I had some really wonderful days till now and had so much fun with my friends. We are careless these days and always in a go...

Where are you?

Snow, where are you?  I can't wait for the snow anymore. The white cover on the ground,trees,hosues... White cover with a billion diamonds in it that sparkle every day. Yeah, it might be cold outside when it snows, but I love how people combine beautiful outfists even though it�s cold outside. I just get so inspired and you will see that in the future posts after it finally snows. Snije�e, gdje si?  Jedva cekam da padne snijeg. Bijeli prekrivac na zemlji, drvecu, kucama... Bijeli prekrivac sa milion dijamanata koji sijaju svaki dan. Da, mo�da je hladno napolju, ali volim kako ljudi kombinuju prelijepe outfite iako je hladno. Dobijem toliko inspiracije koju cete vidjeti na postovima kada snijeg padne. My dears, I'm so happy. This is my third colaboration with the online store GAMISS . I said everything about them in the two of my previous posts ''Autumn Spirit'' and ''Stripes lover''. I will tell you once again: They are really great and fair! I l...