It's cold...

Hi! How are you? I'm so sorry for not posting so long. I have many exams and other stuff to do. I hope you understand. So what are you doing these days before Christmas and New Year? I'm boring! It's already winter but there is no snow. I'm really sad because I wanted to make a really good winter post with all the sparkles and snow. Also, it's so cold outside. It was really hard for me and for my photographer to shoot these photos . She was freezing only by looking at me in the dress and the short jacket. Yes, it was cold for me, but I thought it's going to be colder, so I'm happy it wasn't. Cao! Kako ste? Mnogo mi je �ao �to dugo nisam ni�ta objavljivala. Imam mnogo ispita i drugih stvari da radim. Nadam se da razumijete. I, �ta radite ovih dana prije Bo�ica i Nove godine? Ja ucim...tako dosadno! Vec je zima, ali nema nigdje snijega. Veoma sam tu�na, jer sam �eljela da napravim dobar zimski post sa svim tim blistanjem i snijegom. Takode j...