Gothic lolita

Hello everybody! I just found some time to show you my new post. The theme is �Gothic lolita�, and you can already see it by the pictures. Halloween is over which makes me sad because I planned to post this on that day. My outfit is quite dark and with a little bit of make-up and fake blood, it would be perfect for that day. Actually, when I think of it, I don't need Halloween so I can wear this style. I enjoyed wearing this wonderful lace skirt with a lace shirt, and their black color doesn't make them boring, it makes them even more special. Not to forget, the boots from AMICLUBWEAR cought my attention. They completed my outfit with their color and looks in general. Zdravo svima! Upravo sam na�la vremena da vam poka�em svoj novi post. ''Gothic lolita'' je tema ovog posta i mo�ete odmah znati i za�to po slikama. Pro�ao je Helloween �to me cini tu�nom jer sam planirala objaviti ovaj post za taj dan. Outfit mi je ba� mracan i sa malo �minke i krvi bi bio sav...