
Showing posts with the label denim

Spread your wings and fly

My dear readers and followers, how are you doing?  Since the beginning of time people tried to fly and reach new heights and that is always a risk. Those who don't take risks won't reach new horizons. People are meant to be free and always in search for something new. They should not be slaves to some routine and see their life waste away day by day. Improve upon yourself and try new things. That is the only way something will happen in your life.  I decided upon this theme to tell you that you are the only one who can deciede which part of your life to take and as the theme says, you're the only one who can make your wings spread and start to fly and bring you to your true happines s. Moji dragi citatelji i pratioci, �ta mi radite? Jo� od pocetka vremena ljudi poku�avaju letjeti i dostici nove visine, ali to je uvijek rizik. Oni koji ne rizikuju nece nikad vidjeti �ta je iza horizonta. Ljudima je namijenjeno da budu slobodni i da su uvijek u potrazi za necime, a ne robovi ...


Hello everyone! How are you? I had some time to make two more combinations. This one today, and the next one which will be published in a week. A few days ago I recieved some stuff for my blog, but I couldn't review it, because I was waiting the rest of it to arrive, which full filed my looks. Nothing special is happening these days, except the days getting sunnier. I can say that that is special. People started going out more, and in all those crowds, conversations and good vibes I have got inspired to write and create fashion looks. Today I did decide that i don't want to bother you with my thinking, and in all this Sunday hurry I didn't have time for larger texts. Im getting ready for a exam on Monday and I'm sure you will understand me. Anyway, I hope you will like this outfit today and I hope that I will see some comments.  Cao svima! Kako ste? Imala sam vremena da napravim dvije kombinacije. Ovo danas i iducu koja ce biti objavljen za sedmicu. Prije nekoliko dana ...