Spread your wings and fly

My dear readers and followers, how are you doing? 
Since the beginning of time people tried to fly and reach new heights and that is always a risk. Those who don't take risks won't reach new horizons. People are meant to be free and always in search for something new. They should not be slaves to some routine and see their life waste away day by day. Improve upon yourself and try new things. That is the only way something will happen in your life.
 I decided upon this theme to tell you that you are the only one who can deciede which part of your life to take and as the theme says, you're the only one who can make your wings spread and start to fly and bring you to your true happiness.

Moji dragi citatelji i pratioci, �ta mi radite?
Jo� od pocetka vremena ljudi poku�avaju letjeti i dostici nove visine, ali to je uvijek rizik. Oni koji ne rizikuju nece nikad vidjeti �ta je iza horizonta. Ljudima je namijenjeno da budu slobodni i da su uvijek u potrazi za necime, a ne robovi rutine i da gledaju kako im prolazi dan za danom. Unapreduj se i probaj ne�to novo. To je jedini nacin da se ne�to desi u tvom �ivotu
Odlucila sam se za ovu temu kako bih vam rekla da ste vi jedini koji mo�ete odluciti koji cete put u �ivotu odabrati i kako tema ka�e, jedini ste koji mo�ete uciniti ne�to da vam se krila ra�ire i da pocnete letjeti i otici do va�e istinske srece.

I've got the idea about this post theme from the denim jacket which has two birds printed on it. Those two birds are small details which are at first not so visiable, but on the second, you can see them and imagine two beautiful birds which are flying carefree and are just happy to have each other. Even thought I said on the beginning that you are the only one who can make you fly and see new horizons, you will always have a person who loves you so much that makes you do the first step of learning how to fly. When I saw this beautiful denim jacket on ZAFUL and the two birds, I got instantly emotional connected with it. Because of the hot days which are annoucing the beggining of summer, I ordered this jumpsuit as well from ZAFUL. It's easy to combine and the color isn't red, it's alloy orange. Do you like it? I combined it with the belt which is a big trend this year. It felt right for me to combine it with this style. The accesseries are the most important ones if you want to have a really completed style. My accessoriess are the rings and the earrings. Rings are perfect with the belt. The bag is also an accessory,but I have it for long time now, from Shein. It's sold out. It looked great with my shoes which are having the similar color as the bag, a baby pink color. 
The beautiful shoes, which I'm calling ''Tinkerbell shoes'' are from AMICLUBWEAR. Why do I call them like that? If you have seen the animated movie Disney's Tinkerbell, you will know why. I fell in love with them just because they look like Tinkerbell's shoes on the movie. The only difference is that mine are in pink. I just love this cute, adorable stuff.

Dobila sam ideju za ovu temu posta zahvaljujuci ovoj farmer jakni koja na sebi ima slike dviju ptica. Te dvije ptice su mali detalji koji su na prvi pogled jedva primjetni, ali na drugi pogled ih mo�ete vidjeti i zamisliti dvije lijepe ptice koje lete bezbri�no i sretno �to imaju jedna drugu. Iako sam rekla na pocetku da ste vi jedini koji mo�ete uciniti ne�to kako bi poletili i vidjeli nove horizonte, uvijek cete imati osobu koja vas voli toliko da ce vas dovesti do toga da ucinite prvi korak ka ucenju kako letjeti. Kada sam vidjela ovu farmer jaknu sa pticama na ZAFUL-u, istog momenta sam se emocionalno vezala za nju. Zbog vrelih dana koji najavljuju pocetac ljeta, narucila sam ovaj kombinezon takode iz ZAFUL-a. Lako se kombinuje i boja mu nije crvena, vec alloy narand�asta. Da li vam se svida?  Kombinovala sam ga sa kai�em koji je veliki trend ove godine. Izgledalo mi je ispravno kombinovati ga uz ovaj stil. Modni dodaci na meni su prstenje i naucnice. Prstenje je odlicno uz kai�. Torba je takode modni dodatak, ali samo je dobila podavno iz Shein-a. Sada je rasrodana. Izgledala je savr�eno uz moje cipele koje imaju slicnu baby rozu boju kao torba.
Prelijepe cipele, koje nazivam ''Zvoncicine cipelice'' su iz AMICLUBWEAR-a. Za�to ih zovem tako? Ako ste ikada gledali animirani film od Disney-a Zvoncica, znali bi za�to. Zaljubila sam se u njih ba� zbog toga jer lice na cipelice koje Zvoncica nosi u filmu. Jedina razlika je u boji, moje su roza. Ba� volim ove slatke, neodoljive stvari.

Have you already spread your wings, or does something hold you back from it? Sometimes, let the things or people who hold you go, only the true thing and true people will help you and let you reach your goal.

 Kisses, Amra.

Jeste li vec ra�irili svoja krila ili vas ne�to jo� uvijek zadr�ava? Ponekad treba pustiti stvari ili ljude koje nas sputavaju da idemo dalje. Samo prave stvari i pravi ljudi ce nam pomoci i pustiti da dostignemo svoj cilj.


Photographer (Fotograf) - @_duric_

Bag (Torba) - Shein, Sold out


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