Urban girl

What's up?
 Are your days stressing like mine? Exams are coming, so I have to study. That's the reason I only post once in a while. I took some time to make two outfit posts, this one today, and another one will be soon. Today I'm going to present you something different. I usually do the boho styles, elegant or girly styles. I wanted to be a little bit different this time and show my passion for clothes and to do new things. Today's style is urban. I mixed up some elegance in this too. You will see below what I meant. This post took me a lot of my free time because the first time when I wanted to take the photos, it was too dark outside and that made the photos not so good. Then I decided to make the photo shooting a second time yesterday. Luckily, now they turned out as I wanted them to. These beautiful photos are made by my lovely cousin Aldina. My photographer Emina couldn't do the photo shooting because she has to study for her upcoming exams, so my cousin got the idea to do the photo shoot instead and save me. You can see her on the last photos in this post. We know each other literary from the time we wore diapers. That means we know each other for 19 years and never had a fight that made us split. We love each other so much and we act like real sisters. She was a great support for me till now and she is one of my most precious friends, which I don't want ever to lose. When I think about her, I remember our childhood. Every summer my parents and me went to our weekend house near a river where she lives. My most precious childhood memories were the nights when we went to a backery to buy fresh made doughnuts. I will remember all the star covered nights when we walked to the backery and back home and talked about everything. As we grew everyday little by little, our firendship became bigger and bigger. I literary can see us in the future with our own children, sitting and drinking coffee and talking about life. Of course she will be a succesfull lawyer because she is studying law now and I belive in her, and me, maybe a german language teacher or something else. Who knows. But I'm sure we will see what our future brings us and I hope we will experience it together.

�ta ima? 
Da li su vam stresni dani kao meni? Razlog zbog kojeg tako cesto ne objavljujem je  �to  mi je sada nastupio ispitni rok pa ucim, ali sam ipak odvojila malo vremena da uradim dva nova posta, ovaj dana�nji i  jedan koji slijedi uskoro. Danas cu vam predstaviti ne�to drugacije. Obicno nosim i predstavljam boho stil, kao i elegantni odnosno �enstveni. �eljela sam biti ne�to drugacija i pokazati vam svoju strast za eksperimentisanjem sa stilovima i �elju da cinim ne�to novo. Dana�nji stil je Urbani koji sam pomije�ala sa elegantnim. Vidjecete u nastavku na �ta sam mislila. Ovaj post mi je oduzeo mnogo vremena, jer sam se dva puta poku�avala fotografisati. Prvi put' nije uspjelo jer je napolju pao mrak, svjetlost je bila lo�a, tako da i forografije nisu ba� dobro ispale, zbog toga sam se ujutro ponovo fotografisala. Srecom fotografije su sada onakve kakve sam �eljela. Ove slike su djelo moje divne rodice Aldine. Moja stalna fotografkinja nije stigla uraditi ovaj foto�uting jer je zauzeta ucenjem za svoje nadolazece ispite, pa se moja rodica sjetila da to ona odradi i spasi me. Mo�ete je vidjeti na mojim posljednjim slikama iz ovog posta. Znamo se bukvalno od pelena, to znaci da se znamo oko 19 godina i nikada se nismo ozbiljno posvadale da bi se imalo razdvojile. Mnogo se volimo i zaista imamo sestrinski odnos. Uvijek mi je predstavljala veliku podr�ku i jedna je od mojih dragocjenih prijatelja koje nikada ne �elim izgubiti. Kada mislim o njoj sjetim se na�eg djetinjstva. Svake godine moji roditelji i ja smo ljetovali na na�oj vikendici u blizini jedne rijeke gdje ona �ivi. Moje najdragocjenije vrijeme sa njom tada je kada smo navece �etale do pekare da kupimo svje�e krofne. Sjecat cu se svih pokovanim svijezdama  noci kada smo u pravcu do pekare i nazad pricale o mnogim stvarima. Kako odrastamo iz dana u dan na�e prijateljstvo postaje sve jace. Bukvalno nas mogu zamisliti u buducnosti kako pijemo kafu jedna kod druge sa djecom i u  razgovoru o �ivotu, naravno ona ce bti uspje�na pravnica jer vjerujem u nju s obziram da sada studira pravo , a ja vjerovatno profesorica njemackog jezika ili ne�to slicno. Vidjecemo �ta nam buducnost donosi i nadam se da cemo i tada biti bliske. 

As I said, today's style is urban. I got the inspiration to this style because of the red dress from ZAFUL. When I saw it, I could imagine it with lace highheels, a deinm jacket and thanks to my dear cousin I got the idea of the rustic background. Do you like it? I won't tell you much about the products that I got, because everything you see on the photos, is in person beautiful and has good quality too. I went with ZAFUL, beside the dress. This denim jacket is totaly my style because it has two bird prints on it. Thex may not be as visible in this post, but in the next one for sure. Today's focus should be only on the dress and the unusual bag which is from Rosegal. The bag looks for me like something that girls in Japan or China would wear. Of course that's totaly my style too, because I watch anime and read manga and because of that I have my inspiration in all my outfits drawn from them. One of my biggest dreams is to go to Japan and China one day. The jewelry that I'm wearing on this post is the same as in my last post. It went so good with my outfit that I had to wear it again. The necklace is form ZAFUL. Earrings and ring from Rosegal. I made photos from the jewerly on my last post ''Early summer vibes'' if you want to see them up closely. I won't focus so much on the shoes, because I got them long time ago when I just started my blog. The webstore I got them from was Shein and I think they have maybe similar ones now.

Kako sam vec maloprije spomenula, dana�nji stil je Urban. Inspiraciju za ovaj stil sam dobila zahvaljujuci crvenoj haljinici iz ZAFUL-a , cim sam je pogledala mogla sam je zamisliti sa crnim �tiklama, farmer jaknom i zahvaljujuci mojoj rodici dobila sam ideju za geto pozadinu. Da li vam se svida? Necu vam mnogo pricati o stvarima koje sam dobila, jer sve �to je na slikama, u�ivo je takode. Prelijepo i kvalitetno. Dobila sam iz ZAFUL-a pored haljinice i ovu farmer jaknu koja je totalno moj stil jer ima dva printa ptice. Mo�da ih njece primjetiti na ovom postu, ali na sljedecem sigurno hocete. Dana�nja pa�nja treba da bude usmjerena samo na haljinu i ovu neobicnu torbu iz Rosegal-a. Troba mi lici na ne�to �to bi djevojke iz Japana i Kine nosile. Naravno to je moj stil takode, jer gledam anime i citam manga i to me je inspirisalo da napravim sve ove modne kombinacije koje ste do sada vidjeli. Jedan on mojih najvecih snova jeste da otputujem u Japan i Kinu jednog dana. 
Nakit koji nosim na ovom postu je isti kao na pro�lom. Tako je dobro i�ao uz ovaj outfit da sam ga morala ponovo staviti. To je lancic iz ZAFUL-a, naucnice i prsten iz Rosegal-a. Napravila sam par slika o nakitu na pro�lom post-u ''Early summer vibes'', pa ako ga �elite pogledati bli�e, posjetite taj post. Necu se mnogo fokusirati na obucu, jer sam je dobila podavno, kada sam tek pocela sa blogom sa stranice Shein. Mislim da sada imaju slicne �tikle ovima koje nosim sada.

Before I end this post, I would like to ask you to tell me your stories about your childhood friend, if you of course have one. I would love to know the most beautiful moment you had with them. 
Can't wait to read them.

 I wish you a beautiful weekend. 


Prije nego �to zavr�im post, voljela bih vas pitati da mi ispricate va�e price o svom prijatelju iz djetinjstva, ako ga imate. Mnogo bih voljela znati va� najljep�i trenutak koji ste imali s njim/njom.
Jedva cekam da ih procitam.

�elim vam ugodan vikend.


Dress ( Haljina )- ZAFUL
Bag ( Torba ) - Rosegal ''Sold out''
Jacket ( Jakna ) - ZAFUL ''Sold out''
Necklace ( Lancic ) - ZAFUL
Ring ( Prsten ) - Rosegal
Earrings ( Nau�nice ) - Rosegal
Heels ( �tikle ) - Shein ''Sold out''


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