
Showing posts with the label heels

In love

Hello everyone. I had exams so sorry for not posting for so long. Today I'm going to show you my new dress from Shein . I'm so in love with it and it fits me good. Shein has always great,unique items and for every style something. I recommend you to visit them. P.S. There will be FREE SHIPPING DAY at Shein, so don't miss it!!!  Zdravo svima. Izvinjavam se �to nisam dugo objavljivala nove postove, ali imala sam ispite. Danas cu vam pokazati moju novu haljinu iz Shein -a. Toliko sam zaljubljena u nju i dobro mi stoji. Shein ima uvijek odlicne, unikatne stvari i za svaki stil ne�to. Preporucujem vam da ih posjetite.  P.S. Biti ce uskoro BESPLATNA PO�TARINA DAN kod Shein-a, ne propu�tajte !!! Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdic DRESS ( HALJINA ) - Shein Bag ( Torba ) - Shein (Sold out- Rasprodana ) Heels ( �tikle ) - GAMISS


Hello! Hard times come and go but the most important thing is to learn to let go. My new post is about boho  style and there's a reason for that. I like boho style, I think it looks cool. But what I love the most about it is that it looks completely relaxed and kind of free. My posts were mostly elegant so that's why I decided to show you now another style and another side of me. I'm chill and relaxed person and I like to express that with my outfits, but I mostly wear elegant things or how my mom likes to say "dress like a lady". It's not that I don't want to dress like that, but it literally comes to my mind somehow, if you know what I mean. Cao,  Te�ka vremena dodu i odu, ali najbitnije je da se naucis pustiti. Moj novi post je o boho stilu i sa razlogom je. Volim boho stil, ba� kul izgleda, ali ono sto najvi�e volim jeste da izgleda kao da si opu�ten, da te ne brinu nepotrebne stvari. Do sada su mi bili vi�e elegantni postovi, tako da sam htjela pokaza...