Gamiss surprise

Hello my lovelies.
I'm really sorry for not posting for a while. The weather is really making fun of me every time when I want to go out and make a photoshoot with the items that I've got. It seems that it's going to be a beautiful sunny week, so I will try like always to find the time and finaly finish the outfit post that I told you a long time ago. Luckly, GAMISS surprised me one morning with a package that made my day better. And not only mine. In the package were 2 gifts for my brother and his wife. I work on blogger 3 years and never ordered something for someone. I felt bad about it so I ordered some gifts. Of course I ordered something for me too. If you know my blog well, you know that GAMISS is also one of my favoruite online shops. It's also the cheapest which is amazing. You really need to see the great prices. I will show you now the items I've got and under every item , I wrote a decsription.

Zdravo lijepi moji.
Mnogo mi je �ao �to dugo nisam ni�ta objavljivala. Vrijeme se tacno zeza svaki put sa mnom kada �elim izaci i napraviti foto�uting sa stvarima koje sam dobila. Izgleda da ce biti lijepa i suncana sedmica, tako da cu kao uvijek poku�ati naci vremena da zavr�im taj outfit post koji sam vam odavno najavila. Srecom, GAMISS me iznenadio jednog jutra sa paketom, �to je ucinilo moj dan boljim. U paketu su bila dva poklona za mog brata i njegovu suprugu. Radim vec na bloggeru tri godine i nikada nisam ne�to narucila nekome. Osjecala sam se lo�e zbog toga, pa sam zato narucila poklone. Naravno, narucila sam i sebi ne�to. Ako znate moj blog dovoljno, onda znate da mi je GAMISS takode jedna od omiljenih online trgovina. Takode je i najjeftinija �to je divno. Morate definitivno pogledati odlicne cijene. Sada cu vam pokazati stvari koje sam dobila i ispod svake sam napisala kratki opis. 

This watch, as you see is for men. My brother wears it every day. He really loves it. It was cheap and I thought maybe it will be bad, but no. It's amazing. The qualitiy is really good and as you can see, the shape is beautiful and it looks cool on the hand. I'm definetly going to order one watch for me. And you?

Ovaj sat, kako vidite, je za mu�karce. Moj brat ga nosi svaki dan. Stvarno ga voli. Bio je jeftin pa sam mislila da ce biti lo�, ali nije. Odlican je! Kvalitet je mnogo dobar i kako vidite, oblik mu je prelijep i izgleda kul na ruci. Definitivno cu i sebi naruciti jedan sat, a vi?

Link- HERE

This bag was on sale. I was so happy about it. Bags are usually pricy and my sister in law wanted a new little black bag. So the timing was perfect. It's as you see on the photos, beautiful and the quality is very good as well. She loves the bag and wore it yesterday for the first time. I was happy about it.

Torba je bila na sni�enju. Tako sam bila sretna zbog toga. Torbe su inace skupe i moja snaha je �elila novu, malu,crnu torbu, tako da je vrijeme bilo savr�eno. Kako vidite na slikama, lijepa je i kvalitet je takode vrlo dobar. Voli torbu i jucer ju je prvi put nosila, �to me ucinilo sretnom.

Link- HERE

This brushes are amazing. They don't just look cool , they are really useful too. The hair is soft and it won't fall of, which means that the quality is good. It was hard for me to decide which brushes I will order because GAMISS has so many cool ones.

Cetkice su divne. Ne izgledaju samo kul, nego su i korisne. Dlacice su mekane i ne opadaju, �to znaci da je kvalitet dobar. Bilo mi je mnogo te�ko odluciti koje cetkice cu naruciti, jer GAMISS ima mnogo lijepih.

Link- HERE

New brushes need a new make-up bag. I saw a similar bag and it looked like really useful. I ordered it and I'm happy that I did that. It's great to travel with. I travel every weekend back to my hometown so I really needed a good makeup bag. As you see, inside you have some bands which can hold the brushes and other make-up products. 

Nove cetkice trebaju novu make-up torbu. Vidjela sam slicnu torbu i izgledala je korisno. Narucila sam je i sretna sam zbog toga. Odlicna je za putovanja. Putujem svaki vikend u svoj rodni grad, tako da mi je trebala jedna dobra make-up torba. Kako vidite, unutra imate trakice koje mogu dr�ati cetkice i druge make-up produkte.

Link- HERE

Till next time.

Do iduceg puta.


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