Casual with Shein

Hey, whazz up?

I'm such a great mood today. I know, it's Monday, but people if it's Monday that doesn't mean that you must automaticly be in a bad mood. Be a little positive. My good mood is maybe because of the weather. Last week was really cold and rainy. Now it's sunny again. Okay, enough about the weather talk. Today I wanted to show some casual style that I wear daily. Boys, girls can't be well dressed like a barbie doll. Thanks to the new trend, we stole your clothes and now we can feel comfy and relaxed like you. I won't talk about feelings and other stuff  in this post like I did in my previous two posts. I just feel happy and fulfilled so there is no point for me to talk about it. That's it for the beginning and let's get started.

Cao ljudi , �ta ima? 

Danas sam super raspolo�ena. Znam, ponedjeljak je, ali ako je ponedjeljak, ne mora znaciti da trebate automatizirati lo�e raspolo�enje. Budite pozitivni jer se u svakom danu krije ne�to dobro. Moja dobra volja je tu, mo�da zbog vremena. Pro�le sedmice je padala ki�a i bilo je hladno. Sada je opet suncano, ali dosta o vremenu. Danas sam htjela da vam poka�em le�eran stil koji nosim svakodnevno. Momci, cure ne mogu uvijek biti sredene kao barbie lutke. Zahvaljujuci novom trendu, ugledamo se na va�u le�ernu odjecu. Sada nam je udobno i opu�tene smo kao vi. Ne �elim da vam i u ovome postu kao u pro�la dva, pricam o svojim osjecajima. Jednostavno sam sretna i ispunjena, ali danas necemo samo da pricamo o tome.To je to, sada da pocnemo.

As you see ''Casual with Shein''. The theme says everything you need to know. In my past post with Shein I always wore something elegant and glamorous. Shein doesn't have just that side, it also has great everyday pieces for you to be fashionable but also feel comfy in the things you wear. This time I ordered this wonderfull jacket. I love jackets in colours and prints and also ripped jeans. Because of that I ordered this jacket with this army print. I wore it a couple of times till now and people loved it. The print makes it special and thanks to the cut of the jacket, the cool and hard attitude of a solder is in it and it makes you feel that way. It also has stickers on the left hand and that makes the solder feeling complete. Maybe for you these sound funny when I use feeling to describe the items or the style with them, but I love to do that. That makes the items more alive. The material of the jacket is really good. You can see it with your eyes how good it is. Thanks to that, you can wear it now when the days are sunny but not so warm. Focus only on the jacket, other things around it are just asseccories.
The ripped boyfirend jeans are also from Shein. I've got them time long ago and love them till now. They are really compfy and the material is so great that they didn't got ripped more. Everyone asked me about them and I stopped to tell them ''Thank you'' for their compliment for them. I say now ''I know''. The jewelry I have on me, the earrings and the ring are from  Born Pretty Store. Your outfit won't be complete if you don't put some assoccories on it like I did. 
The two thing that are left, the bag and shoes, are from here. I bought them long long time ago. They make my outfit complete. Ah yes, I wanted to wear highheels with this outfit but after that I decided to be really casual. I hope you like that desision.
The top is from ZAFUL and I used it already on my post ''Be a lady''. For more informations about it, go there and see it.

Kako vidite ''Le�erno sa Shein''. Tema vam ustvari govori sve �to morate da znate. U pro�lim postovima sa Shein-om sam uvijek nosila ne�to elegantno i glamurozno. Shein pored toga ima takoder stvari za svaki dan ,istovremeno da budete moderni i da se osjecate ugodno u onome �to nosite. Ovaj put sam narucila ovu predivnu jaknu. Volim jakne u bojama i printovima ,takoder i pocijepane hlace. Zbog toga sam narucila ovu jaknu sa vojnickim printom. Nosila sam je par puta do sada i svidjela se svima. Print je cini posebnom i zahvaljujuci kroju jakne, kul i tvrd stav vojnika se izra�ava i cini da se osjecate tako. Takoder na lijevom rukavu nalaze se naljepnice koje cini ovaj vojnicki osjecaj kompletnim. Mo�da za vas zvuci smije�no kada koristim osjecaje da opi�em stvari ili stil pomocu njih, ali volim to da radim. To cini stvari �ivim. Materijal je stvarno dobar i mo�ete to primjetiti samo gledajuci je. Zahvaljujuci tome mo�ete je nositi kada je suncano, ali i kada nije bas toliko toplo. Fokusirajte se samo na jaknu, ostale stvari koje nosim su samo ukras.
Pocijepane boyfriend hlace su takoder iz Shein-a. Dobila sam ih davno i volim ih. Jako su udobne i matarijal je takoder dobar,tako da se nisu dalje same cijepale. Svi me pitaju za njih ,prestala sam odgovarati na komplimente koji su upuceni hlacama sa ''Hvala'', sada ka�em ''Znam''. Nakit koji imam na sebi, nau�nice i prsten su iz Born Pretty Store-a. Va� outfit nece biti kompletan ako ne upotrijebite modne dodatke kao �to sam ja. 
Kimon je iz ZAFUL-a i koristila sam ga na post-u ''Budi dama''. Za vi�e informacija o njemu, pogledajte u post-u. Preostale dvije stvari, torba i patike su odavde. Kupila sam ih skroz davno i one cine moj outfit kompletnim. Ah da, htjela sam da nosim �tikle uz ovaj outfit, ali sam ipak odlucila da budem skroz le�erna. Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti moja odluka.

That's it for today. I was modest today because I bored you in my last two posts about my life and desisions. Short but on point is also what I wanted to show. I hope I did. I would really be happy if I could see some comments below, and for the people who follow me on GFC (Google Friends Connect), I will do the same favour. 

Wish you all the best,

To je to za danas. Bila sam skromna jer sam vas smarala u pro�la dva posta o mom �ivotu i mojim odlukama. Kratko ali jasno sam htjela ovo sve pokazati. Nadam se da jesam. Bila bih jako sretna kada bih vidjela komentare ispod i za ljude koje me zaprate na GFC (Google Friends Connect), uzvratiti cu isto. 

�elim vam sve najbolje,

.My last post ''Old but gold''
My instagram account:
Private amraa__s

Moj posljednji post '' Staro ali zlatno''
Moj instagram ptofil:
Privatni amraa__s

Photographer (Fotograf) Amna

Jacket (Jakna) - Shein
Jeans (Hlace) - Shein
Top (Kimon) - ZAFUL
Ring (Prsten) - BPS
Earrings (Nau�nice) - BPS


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