Early summer vibes

Hello my dear readers. 
What's up? Are you in the mood for chilling on the beach and getting your skin tanned? I can't wait for the summer to finaly arrive. Aside the chilling and sunbathing, I can't wait to watch the beautiful stars in the warm summer nights. I literaly have these daydreams for a week now, so I've got some early summer vibes which I wanted to show you today. The month May and June are the most stressing months for me, so I thought I would take a little break and do the work a little bit slower. So I did that and I'm feeling refreshed and calm now. Sometimes it's okay to take a rest from the obligations or just take them a little bit slower. I just got to learn that this week and trust me, for once in a while, I will just make myself a little vacation. Time is precious and we need to make that time full of happiness and beautiful memories and not only thinking about work or school. I will never be twenty again, so I need to make the best memories at this age, and new ones on other ages. On the end of this post, you will se the person who inspired me to make a blog and which made me know what a true friend is and should be like. That's my best friend Merima. We know each other for 6 years now. I remember how we started to be good friends in high school. I did and said all sorts of dumb things and she was the one who always looked me like I was the dumbest person ever. I was scared of her, like most people who didn't know her. We got to talk more and I was so suprised that she was a really funny and kind person. I've got to love her more and more. After that we did everything toghether, when one of us got new friends, the other one got them too. Together we met all sorts of people, good or bad ones and our bond just got stronger as we went trought the hardshipps toghether. Last year there was a time when we had a little distance between us and that was my fault because I couldn't see what's important in life. She forgave me and I love her and treasure her even more now. I wanted to take some photos with her, to bring some of those memories back when she was a blogger. My second post ''Glitter everywhere'' has some photos of us and our blogger begining. Sadly she doesn't have a blog now, but I will convince her maybe to make one again. I hope you will like her and her elegant style. I would like to hear a short story from you and your best friend, so please write it down on the comment section.

Zdravo moji dragi citatelji.
�ta ima? Jeste li raspolo�eni za opu�tanje na pla�i i za suncanje? Jedva cekam da nastane ljeto vi�e. Pored opu�tanja i suncanja, jedva cekam gledati zvijezde kada dode topla ljetna noc. Ovu sanjariju imam vec sedmicu dana, pa sam dobila rane ljetne vibracije koje sam vam htjela pokazati. Mjeseci maj i juni su za mene najstresniji, pa sam pomislila da sebi napravim malu pauzu ili da radim malo sporije. To sam i uradila, pa se osjcam sada osvje�eno i opu�teno. Ponekad je lijepo odmoriti se od obaveza ili polako ih prihvatati. To sam naucila ove sedmice i vjerujte mi, ponekad cu dati sebi mali odmor. Vrijeme je dragocijeno i trebamo to vrijeme ispuniti srecom i lijepim uspomenama, a ne samo razmi�ljati o poslu ili �koli. Necu vi�e nikada imati dvadeset godina, zato trebam vrijeme iskoristiti i napuniti ove godine sa lijepim uspomenama, i iduce drugim. Na kraju posta cete vidjeti osobu koja me je inspirisala da napravim blog i koja me je naucila �ta je pravi prijatelj i kakav treba da bude. To je moja najbolja prijateljica Merima. Znamo se vec �est godina. Sjecam se kako smo pocele biti dobre prijateljice u srednjoj �koli. Radila i govorila sam sve vrste glupih stvari i ona me je uvijek gledala kao da sam najgluplja osoba ikada. Pla�ila sam je se kao i svi ostali koji je nisu poznavali. Pocele smo pricati i bila sam iznenadena kako je vesela i dobra osoba. Pocela sam je sve vi�e i vi�e voljeti. Poslije toga smo sve radile zajedno. Kada bi jedna od nas dobila novo dru�tvo, to dru�tvo je imala i druga. Upoznale smo zajedno sve vrste ljudi, dobre ili lo�e ljude i na�a veza je postajala sve jaca kako smo prolazile kroz pote�koce zajedno. Pro�le godine je bilo jedno vrijeme kada smo imale malu distancu izmedu nas i to je bila moja krivica, jer nisam mogla vidjeti �ta je u �ivotu bitno. Oprostila mi je i volim i cuvam je sada jo� vi�e. Htjela sam da napravim s njom par slika, da vratim uspomene kada je bila bloggerka. Moj drugi post ''Glitter everywhere'' ima neke slike s nama i na�im pocecima kao bloggerke. Na�alost nema vi�e bloga, ali nagovoriti cu je mo�da da ga opet ima. Nadam se da ce vam se ona i njen elegantni stil svidjeti. Voljela bih da cujem kratku pricu o vama i va�em/oj najboljem/oj prijatelju/ici, zato molim vas napi�ite je ispod posta na prostoru za komentare.

As I said, I've got the early summer vibes. You can see that on these beautiful photos, that my friend Emina took. She really is the best. When I saw this skirt that I'm wearing on Rosegal, I just got the inspiration to do this post. I combined it with the amazing blouse from ZAFUL, which got everyones attention last night when I went out with my friends. The blouse is excelent with the skirt. That's just like my style. I love different colours and prints to combine, like now. I really don't need to decribe these two items anymore, because the photos talk for themselfs and show the greatness of these two items toghether. I'm also amazed about the beautiful jewelry I got from ZAFUL and Rosegal. They just fit perfectly with my summer style. The bracelet with the little pineapple is soo cute. I'm not a big fan of choker necklaces, but this one got my attention and love. It looks really cool. The last accessories are the earrings, which are simple but beautiful. I needed some simple gold earrings, so I ordered these ones. They are so great, that I ordered the same ones in silver too. Before I go to the shoes, the bag which I combined with the shoes is out of stock on Rosegal. If you like it, you can find similar ones on Rosegal or ZAFUL. 
The high heel sandals are from AMICLUBWEAR. They definetly have the most amazing shoes I have ever seen and had. This ones fitted so good on this outfit and on even more outfits that I had, but never got the chance to take photos. I've got many questions where I bought them from my followers on Instagram. If you want cheap and a good quality shoes, AMICLUBWEAR is the store for you.

Kako sam vec rekla, imam rane ljetne vibraacije. To mo�ete vidjeti na ovim prelijepim slikama koje je moja drugarica Emina napravila. Stvarno je najbolja! Kada sam vidjela ovu suknju na Rosegal-u, odmah sam dobila inspiraciju da napravim ovaj post. Kombinovala sam je sa ovom predivnom ko�uljom sa ZAFUL-a, koja je pridobila sinoc svaciju pa�nju kada sam iza�la sa prijatlejima u grad. Ko�ulja je odlicna sa suknjom. To je potpuno moj stil. Volim razlicite boje i printove da kombinujem kao sada. Stvarno ne moram vi�e opisivati ove dvije stvari, jer slike govore same od sebe i pokazuju divnocu ova dva odjevna predmeta zajedno. Takode sam zadivljena lijepim nakitom kojeg sam dobila od ZAFUL-a i Rosegal-a. Totalno idu uz moj ljetni stil. Narukvica sa malim detaljom ananasa je preslatka. Nisam ba� veliki ljubitelj od chokra, ali ovaj je pridobio moju pa�nju i ljubav. Izgleda premocno. Zadnja stvar jesu nau�nice koje su jednostavne, ali lijepe. Trebale su mi neke jednostavne zlatne nau�nice, pa sam narucila ove. Tako su dobre, da sam narucila jo� jedne srebrene boje. Prije nego �to predem na obucu, reci cu vam da je ova torba koju sam kombinovala sa sandalama, rasprodana na stranici Rosegal. Ako vam se svida, mo�ete naci slicne i jo� ljep�e torbe na Rosegal-u i ZAFUL-u.
Sandale sa visokom petom su iz AMICLUBWEAR-a. Oni definitivno imaju najbolju obucu koju sam ikada vidjela i imala. Ove sandale su tako pristajale uz ovaj moj outfit, a i uz druge outfite za koje nisam imala prilike da napravim slike. Dobila sam mnogo pitanja od pratioca na Instagramu o tome, gdje sam ih kupila . Ako �elite jeftinu i kvalitetnu obucu, AMICLUBWEAR je trgovina za vas.

I wish you a productive and beautiful new week.


�elim vam produkativnu i prelijepu novu sedmicu.

Photographer (Fotograf) - EMINA AVDIC 

Blouse (Ko�ulja) - ZAFUL
Skirt (Suknja) - Rosegal
Earrings (Nau�nice) - Rosegal
Necklace (Lancic) - ZAFUL
Bracelet (Narukvica) - ZAFUL
Sandals (Sandale) - AMICLUBWEAR


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