
Showing posts with the label White


It's finally here! With this post I'm going to start reopening my blog once again. I feel so happy again doing something I love. Next week you can expect two more outfit posts. You will see some changes in my style, but don't worry, I just like to change it up from time to time. Below you can see the first photo from my outfit. It's my favourite photo.  Napokon je ovdje! Sa ovim postom cu ponovo otvoriti blog. Tako sam sretna raditi ponovo ne�to �to volim. Sljedece sedmice mo�ete ocekivati jo� dva posta sa outfit-om. Primjetiti cete moju promjenu u stilu, ali ne brinite, te promjene cinim s vremena na vrijeme. Ispod mo�ete vidjeti moju prvu sliku od ovog outfit posta. Najomiljenija mi je.  When you see my outfit, what's the first thing you notice? The casualness. You know, I said in my last outfit post this summer that I went on a vacation to Germany. It wasn't really a vacation, but a holiday part-time job for students. I wanted to see how it feels to work and


What's up?! Exams have ended and classes are starting again. I love my college, because of that it's not so boring. Last week's days were sunny, so I took some time and took these photos. It's already raining this week. I really don't like rain when I have to go somewhere every day, but I do love reading a book in my warm house. Is this the same for you? As you can see, the wall behind me is yellow. It's a little joke from me, because I'm blond and my hair colour is similar to the wall. For you information, I really didn't like what I did to my hair, but I've got a new hair colour, which you will see in the next post. Trust me, it's really better than this.  �ta ima?! Ispiti su gotovi i pocela su predavanja. Volim svoj fakultet, zbog cega mi nije toliko dosadno. Pro�le sedmice su bili suncani dani, tako da sam uzela sebi vremena i uradila ove fotke. Vec pada ki�a ove sedmice.Stvarno ne volim ki�u kada moram da idem negdje. Volim je dok citatam kn