Precious Time

Have you ever thought about how fast time goes by and that you haven't done half of the things you wanted to? Probably?! I always think about what to do and how to make every day special in its own way. That tends to be a difficult task , I have to admit. One day will be boring, the second maybe too. But the third one could be just that one special day you have been waiting for. I tend to overthink when I'm alone by myself. I think way too much about my past, my present and my future. Sometimes I feel something suffocating me from the inside, maybe the feelings of sadness, curiosity and fear. Have you ever had that feeling when you think about your future? Am I the only one who hasn't a worked out plan for the future? I mean, I have plans, but they just feel neutral to me. I don't know what I will do tomorrow or in a week or in a month that will be worth calling special. Its just these normal plans like studying, going to school or just doing something that makes every day look the same. How boring.. Do you think that too? I would love to know what I want to do. To be ambitious or going on trips, adventuring and what not, but somehow I feel also happy with being like how I'm now. I would say I like to be spontaneous. Sometimes the feeling of surprise is better than knowing that something great will happen.

Jeste li ikada razmi�ljali o tome kako vrijeme brzo leti i da niste uradili pola stvari koje ste �eljeli uraditi? Vjerovatno?! Uvijek razmi�ljam o tome kako da ucinim svaki dan posebnim na svoj nacin. To je te�ak zadatak, moram priznati. Jedan dan ce biti dosadan, mo�da i drugi, ali treci mo�e da bude poseban dan na koji ste cekali. Kada sam sama, puno razmi�ljam. Razmi�ljam previ�e o svojoj pro�losti, sada�njosti i buducnosti. Ne�to me gu�i, mo�da osjecaji tuge, radoznalosti i straha. Imate li iste osjecaje kada razmi�ljate o svojoj buducnosti? Jesam li jedina koja nema nikakve planove za buducnost? Mislim, imam planove, ali za mene se cine ba� neutralnim. Ne znam �ta da uradim sutra, za sedmicu ili za mjesec �to bi se moglo zvati posebnim. Imam samo svakodnevne planove kao ucenje, da idem na fakultet ili ciniti ne�to �to ce napraviti svaki dan istim. Kako dosadno... Mislite li isto? Voljela bih znati �ta mogu uciniti. Biti ambiciozna ili  ici na putovanja, avanture, ali u svakom slucaju, ja sam opet sretna ovakva kakva jesam, spontana. Nekada je osjecaj iznenadenja bolji od znanja da ce se desiti ne�to dobro.

Do you like my outfit today? I love it. After a long time I can say I love every single thing on my outfit. First of all the skirt from ZAFUL is just amazing. Really, ZAFUL will always be one of my favorite online shops. The skirt looks great, the print makes it special. The flower print is one of my favorite prints on clothes. The skirt material is leather and it's a really good leather. The quality is just amazing. With the skirt I combined the white blouse from Dresslily. I love the blouse as much as the skirt. The blouse is also flower themed which makes it even more fun. The watch is also from Dresslily. It's beautiful, cute and elegant. I will be ordering more watches from them in the future. I've also got a bag which I didn't manage to incorporate in this outfit. It's a brown bag which I ordered for School because it's big enough for my books. The link is here. 
The coat is from Shein. I wore it on my post "Happy New Year" last year. You can see now what I meant last time with how great the quality is. The coat still looks like brand new. Few days ago a girl asked me about the coat and she actually purchased the same one, and I was happy I could help someone by making a review. 
The last detail of my outfit (I won't be mentioning the bag in this post because it's not a part of my review today) are the boots. I know they look stunning. They are from AMICLUBWEAR just like the boots from my last post "Gothic Lolita". Big thanks to AMICLUBWEAR! They never disappoint me. The boots are simple black boots that basically ever girls needs. The lace on the side make them so unique and elegant. The look of the boots is very important, but unless they are uncomfortable to wear you can as well just use them for decoration in your room. But thank God these ones are comfortable and the quality is as expected .. great as always. 
ZAFUL, Dresslily, Shein and AMICLUBWEAR are all the shops I used to get this outfit together. I recommend you visiting them so you can start making your own unique style since they have everything you need.

Svida li vam se moj outfit danas? Ja ga volim. Nakon dugo vremena mogu napokon reci da mi se svida svaki dio na outfit-u. Prije svega, suknja od ZAFUL-a je odlicna. Stvarno, ZAFUL ce uvijek biti jedna on mojih omiljenih online trgovina. Suknja izgleda super, print je cini posebnom. Cvijetni print mi je omiljeni print na odjeci. Suknja je od ko�e i to stvarno dobre ko�e. Kvalitet je odlican. Sa suknjom sam kombinovala bijelu ko�ulju od Dresslily-a. Volim ko�ulju kao i suknju. Ima takode cvijetni print �to sve cini jo� zabavnije. Od Dresslily-a sam dobila takode sat. Lijep je, sladak i elegantan. Naruciti cu sebi jo� po neki sat kod njih. Takode samo dobila smedu torbu, koju nisam mogla kombinovati sa ovim outfitom, za fakultet jer je velika za knjige. Link je ovdje.
Kaput je iz Shen-a. Nosila sam ga na svom postu ''Happy New Year'' pro�le godine. Mo�ete li sada vidjeti �to sam vam rekla tada? Odlicnog je kvaliteta i izgleda ba� kao novi, ni jedna mala razlika se ne mo�e primjetiti. Prije nekoliko sedmica jedna djevojka me je pitala da li je kaput dobar. Rekla sam da je odlican i pro�le sedmice sam vidjela da ga je kupila. Budem ba� sretna kada vidim da cure narucuju odjecu koju reklamiram. 
Zadnji detalj na mom outfit-u ( Torbu necu uzeti u obzir jer nije dio dana�njeg reklamiranja) su cizme. Znam da ih �elite kao �to sam ih ja �eljela. Iz AMICLUBWEAR su kao cizme iz pro�leg posta '' Gothic Lolita''. Veliko hvala za AMICLUBWEAR! Nikada me ne razocaraju. Cizme su obicne crne cizme koje bi trebala svaka djevojka imati u svom ormaru, ali pertle ih cini ''kul'' , ali i elegantnim. Izgled cizama je va�an, ali stvar je u tome da, ako nisu udobne, mo�ete njima dekorisati svoju sobu. Hvala Bogu, ove su udobne i kvalitet je kao i ocekivano odlican.
ZAFUL, Dresslily, Shein i AMICLUBWEAR su sve trgovine pomocu kojih sam iskombinovala ovaj outfit. Preporucujem da ih posjetite i stvorite svoj sopstveni unikatni stil po�to imaju sve �to vam je potrebno.

Tell me, which item do you like the most and why? I want to see your opinions. 
One more thing, all this online shops you can find on Instagram or Facebook. 

I wish you an amazing weekend!


Recite mi, koja vam se stvar najvi�e svidjela i za�to? �elim cuti va�a mi�ljenja.
Jo� jedna stvar, sve ove online trgovine mo�ete pronaci ili na Instagram-u ili na Facebook-u.

�elim vam divan vikend!



Coat ( Kaput ) - Shein
Blouse ( Ko�ulja ) - Dresslily
Skirt ( Suknja ) - ZAFUL
Watch ( Sat ) - Dresslily
Boots ( Cizme ) - AMI CLUBWEAR
Bag ( Torba ) - H&M


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