
Happy Christmas!
How have you been on these days full of love and happiness? Think about the people who can't enjoy these holidays the way they should, or the way they wish they could. Share your happiness and fortune to help others becouse it can make someone's day or someone's whole christmas an event to remember. I don't celebrate Christmas but I do respect and love this holiday for making people as good as they can be for at least a few days, or I hope that's the case. The theme of this post is "Lostness" . I was feeling lost these last few days, alone in my room. A room where the light is very tiny and weak, it tries to burn brightly but often ends up flickering .I don't know the reason for this feeling, maybe because finals are approaching or its something else, something much more important. I feel like I am constantly in search for something, something that would make me truly happy and fullfiled but never quite getting there. Did you ever feel this way?

Sretan Bo�ic!
Kako ste u ovim danima punim veselja i ljubavi? Sjetite se ljudi koji ove praznicne dane ne mogu provesti onako kako bi oni to voljeli, zbog toga poma�ite drugima i �irite svoju srecu, jer ona mo�e neciji dan ili Bo�ic uciniti puno ljep�im. Ja ne slavim Bo�ic, ali po�tujem i volim ovaj praznik, jer ljudi postaju makar na dan bolji od onoga �to su inace. Bar se nadam da je tako... Tema posta je ''Lostness'' ('' Izgubljenost''). Ovih dana sam se osjecala izgubljeno. Sama u mracnoj prostoriji gdje je moje svijetlo veoma slabo i poku�ava da gori, ali mu ne ide pa treperi. Ne znam da li je to pritisak jer krecu ispiti na fakultetu ili je ne�to drugo, mnogo znacajnije. Osjecam kao da sam stalno u potrazi za necim, necim �to bi me istinski ucinilo sretnom i ispunjenom. Jeste li se ikad ovako osjecali?

Do you like my outfit for today ? I am sorry I must tell you this, but the jacket was bought in a used goods store, so I can't give you info on where you could order one. Beside the jacket ,the shirt is also from a store and I bought it a long while ago, so the situation is the same for purchasing the shirt. But a white shirt should be available everywhere, and btw. you should have at least one already. It really is a "basic" piece of clothing. I liked combining this belt with the shirt, this look seems to be very "in" right now, even Selena Gomez was seen wearing it for her Women of the year award ceremony at the Bilboard's Women in Music 2017. I got the belt from ZAFUL. I love it so much and I have to comment on its amazing quality and the size is great with shirts, t-shirts and dresses. Unfortunately it's to thick to wear with jeans. This isn't a problem for ZAFUL, they offer belts in all shapes and sizes. My bag from the last post "Right decisions" was also ordered from ZAFUL and couldn't be happier with it's beautiful and unique look and quality .The photos themselves speak about the bags perfection. I love clothes made from leather especialy these leather jeans. I wore them on a post long ago,they are from Shein and very good. It has been two years since I bought them and they are still in mint condition .These wonderful boots you see me wearing are from Rosegal and they work great with almost everything ,they are doing wonders for my outfit today. They are pretty cool,aren't they? I like wearing them for two reasons, amazing comfort and you can wear them with any outfit.

Svida li vam se moj outfit danas? �ao mi je �to vam moram reci ovo, ali jakna je kupljena u trgovini polovne robe, pa vam ne mogu reci gdje je mo�ete kupiti. Pored jakne, ko�ulja je takode iz jedne trgovine i kupljena je davno, tako da ni nju vam ne mogu od neke stranice preporuciti. Ali bijelu ko�ulju mo�ete svugdje naci i kupiti, a i trebali biste imati ovako ''basic'' ko�ulju u svom ormaru. Uz nju sam kombinovala ovaj kai� koji je trenutno jako popularan. Skoro sam vidjela Selena Gomez ga je nosila na Billboard's Women in Music 2017 gdje je dobila nagradu Women of the year ( �ena godine ). Njega sam dobila od ZAFUL-a. Moram vam uz to jo� reci kako je samo kvalitetan i njegova velicina pristaje na haljine ili ovako na majice ili ko�ulje uz koje ide kai�. Na�alost je predebeo da bih ga na hlace nosila. To ipak nije problem za ZAFUL, jer imaju kai�eva u raznim velicinama za vas. Iz ZAFUL-a je takode ova torba koju sam imala i na mom pro�lom post-u ''Right desicions''. Predivna, unikatna i jako je dobrog kvaliteta. Same slike govore kako je savr�ena. Volim ko�nu odjecu i pogotovo ove svoje ko�ne helanke. Njih sam takode davno na jednom postu nosila. Iz Shein-a su i jako dobre. Dvije godine su pro�le otkako sam ih narucila i jo� uvijek su u dobrom stanju. Uz njih i uz sav outfit kombinovala sam ove prelijepe cizme iz Rosegal-a. Ba� su kul, zar ne? Volim da ih nosim jer su prvo udobne, drugo lake za kombinovanje sa raznim outfitima. 

All of your comments and opinions would be more than apriciated so please give me some advice and leave a comment.
 I wish you all a very happy holiday season,and that you spend it with your dearest.

Jako bih se obradovala komentarima i va�im mi�ljenjima. Uvijek su mi dobrodo�li va�i savjeti. 
�elim vam lijepe blagdanske dane, da ih provedete sa va�im najmilijima.


Photograph ( Fotograf ) Emina Avdic

Belt ( Kai� ) - ZAFUL
Leggings ( Helanke ) - Shein
Bag ( Torba ) - ZAFUL
Earrings ( Nau�nice ) - ZAFUL
Boots ( Cizme ) - Rosegal


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