Right decisions

Hello my dear readers. 
How are you? Did you have a hard week? I had so many things to do and there are still many left to do. My week was also full of decisions. I think chose the right ones, but I guess that I made some mistakes at some decisions. Sometimes it creeps me out when I think that every decision you make in your life can change your future path. What to do with the decisions that are questionable? You don't know if they are right or wrong. Or you thing they are right, but in the end you become sceptical. I had a problem and I found myself a solution and thought it was okay and the right thing to do, but now it becomes day to day worse. Not that worse where I have to say I decided wrong, but I feel that it will turn out like that one day. What if not? I won't tell anything about the problem, because I believe that it's better when you let your own heart decide. Opinions from others won't be such a big help if they say something that you heart doesn't want. Don't you think so too?

Zdravo moji dragi citatelji.
Kako ste? Da li ste imali napornu sedmicu? Toliko mnogo stvari sam imala za uradit i toliko mnogo ih nisam stigla uraditi. Moja sedmica je takode bila puna odluka. Mislim da sam donijela prave odluke, ali pretpostavljam da sam negdje i pogrije�ila pri tom odlucivanju. Ponekad me prestra�i pomisao da svaka odluka koju ucinim u �ivotu, mo�e promjeniti moju buducnost. �ta raditi sa odlukama u vezi kojih se dvoumimo? Ne znate da li su dobre ili lo�e ili cak ponekad pomislite da su dobre, ali na kraju ipak budete skepticni. Imala sam problem i na�la sam sama rje�enje i mislila sam da je to prava stvar koju trebam da ucinim, ali svakim danom ta prava stvar postaje sve gora. Ne toliko lo�a da ka�em da sam odlucila pogre�no, ali imam osjecaj da ce jednog dana ta odluka postati tako pogre�na. �ta ako ne bude tako? Necu reci ni�ta o tom mom problemu, jer vjerujem u to da je bolje da va�e srce samo odluci �ta uciniti. Mi�ljenja drugih nece biti od velike pomoci, ako ka�u da ucinimo ne�to �to mi u podsvijesti ipak ne �elimo. Zar ne mislite isto?

Anyway It's finally snowing. I don't really know how it's by you, but in my country the snow falls one day, the other 5-6 it's sunny so that the snow melts quick. Because of that I can wear sneakers like these ones on my photos. They are warm and the sole is thick so it's good for rainy days too. Furthermore the look of the shoes is just great. They look cute and unique. I've got them from Dresslily, the blouse as well. I love the print and the bright color. The flowers give the blouse the final touch. I wanted to wear some bright colors, so I wore this orange skirt. I bought this skirt myself, in a store. I sadly couldn't find a similar skirt for you. I combined the gray coat with the shoes. I already had a post with this coat. It's form Rosewholesale.com. For more information go to my older post ''Changes''. The final touch on my outfit are the accessories. First of all the jewelry. I've got the earrings from ZAFUL and they work great with the ring on my hand which I got from Dresslily. The most eye catching thing, the bag, is from ZAFUL. The quality is amazing and the print is just fantastic. I'm in love with the bag. 
That's it from my outfit today. I hope you like it even a little. Visit Dresslily and ZAFUL to check out  more fantastic and beautiful things. You won't regret it.

U svakom slucaju, napokon pada snijeg. Ne znam stvarno kako je kod vas, ali u mojoj dr�avi snijeg pada jedan dan, ostalih 5-6 dana sunce sija i snijeg se otopi brzo. Zbog toga mogu nositi patike poput ovih �to nosim na slikama. Tople su i don je debeo, tako da su dobre i za ki�ne dane. Pored toga, patike stvarno prelijep izgledaju, slatko i unikatno. Dobila sam ih iz Dresslily-a kao i ko�ulju. Volim njen print i svijetlu boju. Cvjetici daju bluzi poseban izgled. Htjela sam da nosim svijetle boje, tako da sam obukla ovu narand�astu suknju. Kupila sam je u trgovini. Na�alost nisam vam mogla pronaci slicnu suknju. Kombinovala sam sivi kaput sa patikama. Vec sam imala post sa ovim kaputom. Iz Rosewholesale.com je. Za vi�e informacija idite na moj stariji post ''Changes''. Konacni izgled mom outfitu pridaju modni dodaci. Prije svega nakit. Dobila sam nau�nice of ZAFUL-a i super se sla�u sa prstenom na mojoj ruci koji sam dobila od Dresslily-a. Stvar koja najvi�e mami pogled jeste torba, koja je od ZAFUL-a. Nevjerovatanog je kvaliteta, a i print je fantastican. Zaljubljena sam u torbu.
To je to od mog outfita danas. Nadam se da vam se makar malo svida. Posjetite Dresslily i ZAFUL kako bi ste pogledali jo� fantasticnih i lijepih stvari. Necete se pokajati.

Till next time!


Do iduceg puta!



Coat ( Kaput ) - Rosewholesale.com
Blouse ( Ko�ulja ) - Dresslily
Sneakers ( Patike ) - Dresslily
Ring ( Prsten ) - Dresslily
Bag ( Torba ) - ZAFUL
Earrings ( Nau�nice ) - ZAFUL 


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