
New story

Hey, I really don't know how to start my post anymore.What words can I use for the beginning. I always try to ask how are you and talk about my week or day. Today I'm going to skip that part and tell you about my feeling these days. I never talked about my feelings. Do you ever feel that you have changed? Every day I realise how I do some things different, also how I feel. I always try to be good to people, even if they don't return the favor. To send my positive energy to someone who feels bad. Last week I had an interesting class. We had to exercise the nouns in the german language, but our teacher wanted us say some human feelings. We said some feelings what humans can have and after that she asked one by one for what people would be friends with. One of my classmates said that she doesn't like positive people who are always smiling. She said that's anoying. That made me a little sad. I can't say that I'm one of those people, but I do those things often.


What's up?! Exams have ended and classes are starting again. I love my college, because of that it's not so boring. Last week's days were sunny, so I took some time and took these photos. It's already raining this week. I really don't like rain when I have to go somewhere every day, but I do love reading a book in my warm house. Is this the same for you? As you can see, the wall behind me is yellow. It's a little joke from me, because I'm blond and my hair colour is similar to the wall. For you information, I really didn't like what I did to my hair, but I've got a new hair colour, which you will see in the next post. Trust me, it's really better than this.  �ta ima?! Ispiti su gotovi i pocela su predavanja. Volim svoj fakultet, zbog cega mi nije toliko dosadno. Pro�le sedmice su bili suncani dani, tako da sam uzela sebi vremena i uradila ove fotke. Vec pada ki�a ove sedmice.Stvarno ne volim ki�u kada moram da idem negdje. Volim je dok citatam kn

Black Angel

Hello again, How are you? Here is the post I've told you about. Elegant and glamorous like the post before. The name ''Black Angel'' of this post is thanks to the dress I wear, but you will see why on the end of the post. After this post I will  make some casual style posts. I wanted to take some photos yesterday, but the weather said no. It started to snow. Great and I just wanted to start wearing sneakers and leather jackets. For your information  I also finished my exams so I will be more active now. Enough talk about me. I hope you will enjoy the photos and the look. Zdravo, Kako ste? Evo posta o kome sam vam pricala. Elegantan i glamurozan kao pro�li. Ime posta ''Crni andeo'' je nastao zahvaljujuci mojoj haljini koju nosim, ali vidjeti cete na kraju za�to. Poslije ovog posta, poceti cu sa le�ernim stilom. Htjela sam se jucer slikati, ali vrijeme je reklo ne. Poceo je padati snijeg. Sjajno, ba� sam htjela poceti nositi patike i ko�ne jakne. Za va