
Showing posts with the label amiclubwear


Hello everyone! How are you? I had some time to make two more combinations. This one today, and the next one which will be published in a week. A few days ago I recieved some stuff for my blog, but I couldn't review it, because I was waiting the rest of it to arrive, which full filed my looks. Nothing special is happening these days, except the days getting sunnier. I can say that that is special. People started going out more, and in all those crowds, conversations and good vibes I have got inspired to write and create fashion looks. Today I did decide that i don't want to bother you with my thinking, and in all this Sunday hurry I didn't have time for larger texts. Im getting ready for a exam on Monday and I'm sure you will understand me. Anyway, I hope you will like this outfit today and I hope that I will see some comments.  Cao svima! Kako ste? Imala sam vremena da napravim dvije kombinacije. Ovo danas i iducu koja ce biti objavljen za sedmicu. Prije nekoliko dana

Precious Time

Hi!  Have you ever thought about how fast time goes by and that you haven't done half of the things you wanted to? Probably?! I always think about what to do and how to make every day special in its own way. That tends to be a difficult task , I have to admit. One day will be boring, the second maybe too. But the third one could be just that one special day you have been waiting for. I tend to overthink when I'm alone by myself. I think way too much about my past, my present and my future. Sometimes I feel something suffocating me from the inside, maybe the feelings of sadness, curiosity and fear. Have you ever had that feeling when you think about your future? Am I the only one who hasn't a worked out plan for the future? I mean, I have plans, but they just feel neutral to me. I don't know what I will do tomorrow or in a week or in a month that will be worth calling special. Its just these normal plans like studying, going to school or just doing something that makes e