

Hello everyone!  The Spring is coming. The snow melted and the flowers are showing up already. Today was such a beautiful day and I went out with my niece (Yes, I'm auntie). I've got the idea to make her my model for the Born Pretty Store jewelry review. She was so happy and couldn't wait to take the photos. The sun is the reason why she looks angry in the photos, but she is adorable. She also helped me and had a great idea to put the white flowers like a decoration around the jewelry. She's really the cutest model ever. By the was, her name is Sara. Zdravo svima. Proljece dolazi. Snijeg se otopio i cvijece je pocelo rasti. Danas je bio veoma lijep dan, pa sam iza�la sa bratovom kcerkom napolje (Da, tetka sam). Dobila sam ideju da je napravim svojim modelom za recenziju nakita iz Born Pretty Store -a. Bila je jako sretna i nije mogla cekati da se slika. Sunce je krivo �to na nekim slikama izgleda ljuta, ali je opet divna. Takoder je pomogla i imala sjajnu ideju da pore


Hello! Did you miss me? Wow, it has been a month since my last post. I've got exams and today was the last one for this month. It means I'm goinog to make more posts and reviews for you about some very great online shops. Just wait and you will see. Also, I'm very tired of learning so I took some time off and used it to take these photos. I think you noticed I changed a bit. It's the hair. I'm blonde now. I just wanted something new so what can help more than to change the hair color. At first I looked weird to myself, but after some time it was like I was always blonde. Apart from the hair color, I think that I changed somehow in another way too. I feel that I changed some things that I do and talk about. Sometimes I've got the feeling that I became a boring person. Maybe it's because I was studying so much during the past weeks so I feel like a nerd. Lol.  Cao! Jeste li me po�eljeli? Wow, pro�ao je mjesec od mog zadnjeg posta. Imala sam ispite i danas je b

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year!  Okay, it�s still one day until New Year, but I will just say it now. This is the post I was telling you about. A New Year�s post. This year was full of sad, good, and happy moments. I hope that the next one will be better than this one. As you can see I have a partner this time. It's my dear friend Benjamin, who came to Tuzla where I live to be my partner and a good helper even if he was too late. I wanted to kill him, but now when I see how everything looks, I'm not mad anymore. Benjamin had two outfits he wanted to show you and he really tried his best with it . Here you have his Facebook and Instagram . Ladies, he is single. Also I want to thank my great photographer Emina for her time and great photos. I hope we will make great photos in the upcoming year as well. Sretna Nova Godina! Dobro, ima jo� jedan dan do Nove Godine, ali ja cu vam sada cestitati. Ovo je post o kome sam vam govorila. Novogodi�nji post. Ova godina je bila puna tu�nih, dobrih i sretni